A Curious Community


1st - 25th August 2021.


25 online community events 

offering connection, companionship and a gentle exploration of the messy business of being human.


Pay what feels right to you.


Only 50 spaces available.


To join the reserve list in case of cancellations, please email katie@littlechallenges.com.

Thank you!

What kind of events will there be?

Friendly discussions and Q&As with special guests:

  • The power of pausing
  • Unlocking creativity
  • Play, movement and embodied knowing
  • Talking about difficult things
  • Rethinking community

90-minute workshops with Katie:

  • Noticing and ways of knowing
  • Identity, drivers and limiting beliefs
  • Your personal gifts and skills
  • Practical ways to change behaviour

There'll also be:

  • Focused 60-minute coworking sessions. 
  • A Reciprocity Ring-style gathering where you can ask for and offer help from other members of the community.
  • Planning, intention-setting and accountability sessions.
  • An Unhurried conversation with Johnnie Moore.
  • Themed community 'show and tell' events to meet others and find out about the weird and wonderful things they do.
  • Social gatherings with new friends from around the world.

Special guests will include:

What can I expect to get from the experience?


A warm welcome.

A chance to meet and chat with new people all around the world.

A place to explore, be listened to and make a contribution.

Time to reflect, plan and create in the silent company of others.

New ideas and information.

A playful invitation to try new things.

Encouragement to be more you. 



How many people will be involved?


There will be a maximum of 50 community members.



What's happening when?


Events will run between the 1st and the 25th of August with most sessions taking place at 9am, 1pm, 5pm or 7.30pm BST. 


There will be two events on some days and some days there won't be any.



Will recordings be made available afterwards?


The first part of each guest panel discussion will be recorded and shared, but not the Q&As or any of the interactive sessions. This is to make sure that the people participating can relax and explore safely.



Why are you doing this?


Firstly, because my very favourite part of running Little Challenges is the chance to interact with the fantastic people who get involved. I've met so many amazingly kind, thoughtful, creative, inspiring and surprising people and I’m excited to find ways to bring you together so you can delight in one another too!


Also, I've lost count of the number of times that people have told me that they'd like to feel a little less isolated. So many of us would like to feel part of something bigger, to have more meaningful conversations, to laugh more and play more and have the opportunity to help one another. 



How much does it cost?


One ticket buys you access to ALL 25 events. The amount you pay for it is up to you.


Please pay what feels appropriate depending on how things are for you financially and how much you value this offering.


Whatever you choose, please know that your contribution will help me to keep running Little Challenges and will be hugely appreciated. 


Thank you!



Have a question that wasn't answered above?


Just drop me a line at katie@littlechallenges.com and I'll do my best to answer it!